Fun & Engaging Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Our engaging guitar lessons are fun, unique and incredibly successful! Why? We teach students how to play guitar by teaching them how to play the songs they love, by the artist they love. This method allows for a wide array of interesting lessons while also staying relevant to each student's personal interests. Why learn chords out of a book when you can learn the chords to your favorite Green Day or Taylor Swift song! Our dynamic teaching staff is available to teach every style of music from rock to pop, jazz to classical. All while utilizing the method that best fits you!
Bass Lessons
Bass lessons at Imagine Music are a blast! Whether you want to learn the latest country hit, a classic Red Hot Chili Peppers song or improve your chops for your next jazz gig, you've come to the right place. We offer dynamic, student focused bass lessons that are incredibly fun and thoughtful. By utilizing the "Song as the Lesson" we can help you take this amazing instrument in any direction and to any level of you're choosing!
Ukulele Lessons
Yes, we do teach this fantastic instrument! Ukulele lessons are perfect for people of all ages. For kids, it's an incredibly approachable stringed instrument. Kids as young a four are having a blast in our program. By teaching one finger and two finger chords, we'll have you playing along with your favorite songs in no time. The array of music that can be accomplished on a ukulele is truly astounding, from Jason Mraz to Beethoven, this instrument will fit your style!
Banjo & Mandolin
From the hills of Appalachia to the jagged peaks of the Wasatch comes Utah's most fun lessons for an incredible pair of instruments. Whether you a novice to either instrument and are looking to "pick 'n' grin" on your front porch or are an accomplished player looking to hone your skills. We offer fun and custom lessons for every level!
Call 801-644-7027
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Voice Lessons
Imagine Music is very excited to have Utah's premiere vocal coach teaching right here in our studio. Brittney Wood has trained heavily in Nashville with the world famous Brett Manning, aka "Vocal Coach to the Stars". Brittney's fun and innovative approach to voice lessons has become incredibly popular and it's no surprise! Singing is an amazing art form which can be perfected over a lifetime. By utilizing the "Song as the Lesson" we can take you to any level of you're choosing! Begin the journey today with the best vocal coach in the mountain west and reach your full potential!
Drum Lessons
At Imagine Music, you can learn to play this incredible instrument while having an absolute blast! Our drum students begin by learning about the drum kit and the dynamic it plays in a musical setting. We then begin incorporating simple beats into the lesson while building on each previous beat. Students are also encouraged to pick a favorite song to learn, which works as a great teaching tool to further explore rhythms!
Updated Piano Lessons
For years, there has been just one way to teach piano. Out of a book, lesson by lesson. At Imagine Music we do utilize the classic piano books, but we also encourage students to bring in their favorite songs to learn. We'll teach you the basic chords of the song and also pick out the melody together. Here you can "have your cake and eat it too," by learning the fundamentals of sight reading while playing your favorite songs as well! Experience the difference a custom lesson can make!
Violin & Cello Lessons
Whether brand new to these instruments or an accomplished player, we have dynamic lessons in both amazing instruments. Perhaps you want to keep playing through the summer and return to school year ahead of the game. Sign up for incredible fun and profession lessons for either instrument today!
Lessons for each instrument run $112 a month, which includes a half-hour weekly private lesson.